Happy weekend! I feel like I've been spending a lot of it catching up/ keeping up with reading and studying. I also need to catch up on the blog! So here are a few of the highlights from the second half of my first week here!
On Wednesday, representatives from Catholic Extension (the organization funding our grant) came to meet with us. They wanted to get some pictures at lunchtime. We (the 6 of us in the program - we call ourselves Catholic Extension Cohort #1) met them by the library, thinking they'd just snap a few photos of the group. In actuality, it was like a real photo shoot with a professional photographer! We each took our turn doing individual shots, then some group ones as well. It was really nice meeting the reps from Extension, and very humbling, too. It really drove home how thankful I am to Extension donors who are generously supporting this endeavor, and it gave extra inspiration to work even harder. That evening, Extension took us out to the fanciest dinner I have ever experienced. We ate at at the Sorin Restaurant, which is located in the Morris Hotel here on campus. It was incredible! And the first opportunity to meet everyone in the program.
The rest of this week has primarily consisted of studying and reading, as well as figuring out my way on campus a little better. I met with one of my professors on Friday.We got to talking about relics, exorcisms, and things of that nature, and she gave me a relic of St. John the Baptist! I was really excited.
Here are a couple more photos for you. One is if Jenna and me in front of the Hesburgh Library. (You can take a little virtual tour if you want.) In the background is the famous mural of "Touchdown Jesus."
And here's a picture of Pasquerilla East Hall, our home-away-from-home for the next six weeks.